Ucrânia divulga comunicações interceptadas, provando que o Irão sabia do lançamento de mísseis o tempo todo
registo prova que os iranianos viram o míssil desde o momento em que foi
lançado e até o momento em que atingiu o avião ucraniano do voo #PS752.
últimas notícias da Ucrânia, a TSN.Tyzhden divulgou comunicações interceptadas
entre a torre do aeroporto de Teerão e o segundo piloto do voo da Aseman
Airlines no Irão no momento do acidente do voo PS752 da Ukraine International
Airlines. O piloto do avião civil iraniano viu tanto o lançamento de mísseis,
quanto a explosão, gravações em áudio, segundo a TSN, recebidas dos serviços de
The record proves that the
Iranians saw the missile from the moment it was launched and to the very moment
it hit the Ukrainian plane.
In breaking news from
Ukraine, intercepted communications were released by TSN.Tyzhden between Tehran
Airport tower and second pilot of Iran's Aseman Airlines flight at the time of
the crash of Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752. The Iranian civilian
plane's pilot saw both the missile launch and the blast, audio recordings, TSN
says were received from intelligence services, prove.
PS752 downing: Ukraine releases intercepted tower
communications proving Iran was aware of missile launch all along: https://www.unian.info/world/10856315-ps752-downing-ukraine-releases-intercepted-tower-communications-proving-iran-was-aware-of-missile-launch-all-along
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